How to Achieve Solid Book Marketing Results on a Tight Budget

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March 19, 2016

Effective and Efficient Tips to Increase Book Value

How do you keep up with the necessary marketing services even with a tight budget? Aspiring authors can successfully write and publish enthralling books even without a large budget, because marketing success only needs two things: your motivation and the right marketing strategy. Read more.

LitFire booth at Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL) 2015

LitFire booth at Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL) 2015


Use These Amazon and Social Media Ideas to Optimize Your Book Marketing Strategy


Forget about investing large sums of money when marketing your book. Just take advantage of Amazon and the growing social media community, and create the right marketing strategy. Even with a tight budget, you are assured of a smooth takeoff.

Taking Advantage of Amazon

Amazon is your best option when it comes to budget-friendly publishing. But how do you go about this? Take note of the following tips.

Your cover is important.

Judge the book by its cover—true. A book with a stunning cover gets noticed; a book with a lousy cover gets thrown to the lowest rank in Amazon. Your cover is not the only factor to get a high rank, but it’s also the first step toward getting there.


good book cover


Attract prospective buyers by keeping these tips in mind:

  • Make sure the concept of your book matches the story.
  • The text on the cover needs to be legible. Your title may be captivating, but if your text is not legible, you will not be remembered.
  • Harmony of colors is very important as readers are highly visual.
  • Stock photos. If your photo is overused at some point—because you see it somewhere else—then expect a rejection.
  • Expect a preview of your book as a thumbnail. As such, make sure that your design still looks good.


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Keywords produce best results.

Upon uploading your book on Amazon, you are entitled to use seven keywords that will allow you to connect your book to your audience. These keywords are primarily used when readers check the list of suggestions in the search bar. Use them wisely. Pick the keywords that best describe your book, but also make sure that users frequently use these keywords so your book gets first priority in the roster.


KDP Select gives access to Amazon’s promotional tools.

The 90-day program of the KDP Select allows potential readers to download your book. Take this as an opportunity—not a rip-off. Check these promotional tools.


  • Free Promotion Days. Take advantage of the 5-day free download of your book within 90 days.
  • Kindle Countdown Deals. The countdown deal sets up five price reductions for your book for seven days or less.
  • Kindle Ad Campaign. Reach different customers by running an ad campaign in Amazon. Your book will be promoted to Amazon categories or products. Once your ad is clicked, readers will be redirected to your book page.


Connect with readers through Author Central.

Just like your regular social media accounts, Amazon’s Author Central helps authors reach readers and gain new ones. Author Central allows you to add all your books to your profile and keeps readers updated on your book’s schedule of signings, launches, fairs, and other events. You can also share videos for book promotion. Just remember to keep a credible profile. Readers need to be convinced before they decide to check out and buy your book, and your profile is their first impression.

Marketing Your Book through Social Media

social media

Facebook. You know how much Facebook can influence. Take advantage of it, but make sure that you do it professionally. Create your page and attract ideal customers. Engage, interact, encourage, and inspire. When marketing your book on Facebook, be consistent. Post regularly.

Twitter. Twitter is also a very powerful medium. If you just keep your followers up-to-date and use relevant and appropriate hashtags, you can attract more viewers and gain more followers. Once this is done, you can do book promotion events.

LinkedIn. There are many professional audiences in LinkedIn that you can influence and attract. Make sure that you exude credibility in your profile before connecting with other users and groups. Participate in group discussions, and become an authority in your niche.

Goodreads. Goodreads is the perfect avenue to garner prospective reviews for your book and increase your readership. When marketing your own book, you need the honest feedback from bookworms and other authors. If they’re willing to give a review, offer them a free copy of your book in e-book format.

Pinterest. Blogs are very important when marketing your book, and Pinterest is the best photo sharing site to pair it with. Use colorful and attractive graphics to arouse interest and provoke action through captions. Your content may be powerful, but the photos make it all the more interactive. Link this to your website and other blogs.

Get motivated, and sharpen your book marketing skills. Use this 5-minute book-marketing tutorial.Click to start.

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