What Are the Top Seven Common Myths that Plague Self-Publishers?

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November 5, 2016

How much do we understand about self-publishing? Could it really be what we think it is? Or are there more factors involved in the self-publishing process?

There are plenty of myths about self-publishing that tend to deter authors into making use of the services self-publishing companies offer—even writers who have struggles in getting a book published.


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As a self-publisher, what popular myths should you avoid?

With the rising popularity of self-publishing, it’s only natural that there’s a good amount of skepticism that seeps in. Of course, many would believe the speculations that rise up to be true. People easily adhere to what they read—which is especially true in the case of self-publishing. Assumptions may be good or bad, but they may most likely stay as they are: mere assumptions that may or may not hold water.


Herein below are some popular myths about self-publishing and publishing your own book.

It’s for the rejects. This could not be further from the truth. Many people seem to think only the talentless go for the self-publishing route. However, what they fail to consider is that there are plenty of great popular titles out there that have started out as self-published books. There are many factors out there pertaining to why authors self-publish. It’s not a viable assumption, therefore, that writers go for self-publishing for the lack of talent.


getting a book published.


It doesn’t make money. Admittedly, self-publishing companies don’t produce as much books as bigwig traditional publishing companies, who mass produce titles. However, with print on demand, the books actually become more accessible. The audience for print on demand books is also far more vast. Publishing firms mostly rely on online book retailers to get titles out there, which actually give them more potential when it comes to catering to a global audience.


It puts the core responsibility to sell books on the author. Although the author should make a great deal of effort to make sales, it’s generally untrue that self-publishers won’t offer any kind of service to help writers sell their books. Plenty of self-publishing companies actually have sales and marketing services to help boost book sales.


It sets no standards for the books printed. Not true at all. In fact, the best self-publishers can look into what the book needs before having it printed for circulation. Editors may suggest changes to make the work better, and they can also make changes themselves. To say self-publishing companies set no standards in book printing is another common myth.




It is expensive. While it may be true that the upfront cost of writing and publishing a book can be hefty, self-publishers also give the choice for authors to pick between different packages, especially one that won’t burden them too much when it comes to expenses.


Credibility is an issue for self-published works. People actually aren’t aware of the number of successful self-published authors, such as John Grisham and even Benjamin Franklin. This means self-published works can become ridiculously popular, even trumping traditionally published books. Such would dispel the myth that there’s no credibility in self-published books.


Self-published books are low in quality. Actually, considering there are various packages offered by a lot of self-publishing companies, the quality varies. Self-publishers have a vast team of designers, marketers and editors, to make sure one’s work is good enough to be distributed.

As a service, self-publishing favors authors, both old and new. It’s no surprise that in today’s world, it’s starting to become a significant part of the publishing industry.

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