What Can You Do to Find Your Writer’s Voice?

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August 17, 2016

Do you want to create a voice for yourself? If you’re looking to stand out with a distinct writing tone with the right voice, you may find it difficult knowing where to start, since you also need to reach out to your readers. Developing your writer’s voice may take some time and a bit of brainpower, but you’ll find that it’s not too difficult after all, especially when you follow this handy guide.


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Here’s What You Can Do to Find Your Writer’s Voice

Finding your writer’s voice can get you great results whenever you’re building your reputation as a writer. You may already be skilled in your trade, but making sure you set the right tone of voice is equally as important as being a proficient writer. You might consider it part of one’s proficiency.


writer's voice


With a distinct and well-rounded voice you set for yourself, you can give your readers a taste of what you can offer them. Developing the right voice for yourself isn’t as difficult as you might think! It won’t take you long to construct an excellent tone for yourself. That’s why we’ve outlined a few tips to finding your writing style!

First thing you need to do is to mind your attitude while writing. Your voice is greatly affected by it. Your personality dictates how your writing goes, and you might as well write according to how you are. Are you an upfront person? Then, your writing voice may involve getting straight to the point. Are you the romantic type? Then you might go for flowery writing. You can create a unique writing style this way.




The next you need to consider are your readers. Yes, you need to take your readers into account as you write. If you find your style too difficult for your readers to comprehend, then you may need to adjust accordingly. It may seem like an intricate process, but it is remedied by having some of your friends become your beta readers, with you allowing them to read your work beforehand. Be sure you avoid passive sentences to make your work more compelling to readers!

As you focus on how well-received your work can be with your readers, you can assess your writer’s voice by reading your work aloud. It’s a great way to see if you’ve been writing appropriately with the right tone, and it sure helps whenever you’re looking to target a specific audience. This way, you can also spot errors and flaws in your writing.




Lastly, if you’re developing a voice, writing for a specific type of work—be it fiction, expositional, or poetry—you should also develop a different tone, if ever you decide on venturing to another writing form. It helps to switch from tone to tone, especially if you’re writing about different settings or different styles.

When developing voice in writing, step it up with some versatility. It wouldn’t take a while, as long as you focus on what’s best for you, based on your personality, and your goals in writing. Supplement your writing with some writer’s voice activity.

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P.S Develop your writer’s voice by looking into these methods for using dialogue in fiction! Click here.


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