Refrain from These Self-Publishing Mistakes to Produce Good Results

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April 1, 2016

Avoid these Self-Publishing Mistakes before Deciding to Hit the Prints

Are you a hopeful author with a revolutionary story to share to the world? Self-publishing is this era’s quickest way to garner credibility. But before you get too excited and jump to a promising self-publishing service, learn some DON’Ts that experienced authors missed on knowing. Read more.


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Unappealing book cover
Relying on a self-publishing expert for your book’s cover is all too good, until there’s an extra cost behind it. Before you realize, the design doesn’t look like how you want it to—being tailored in a certain way like majority of the designs made for other clients or authors. This is a self-publishing mistake. Hire an cost-efficient cover designer that understands where you’re coming from and get audiences drawn to your book.


Poor book title
Let’s say your book is about an ancient tomb where a century-old artifact awaits to be discovered. Ensure that your title speaks what the book is about. Don’t attempt to use a foreign or an ineffective title. That can work for some; just make sure it relates to what you’ve written. Placing keywords in the title is another good content marketing tool because readers can promptly search on the web, which leads to more hits.



Scrimping on digital print
Certainly, it expends less cost on your pocket by asking your publishing company to cram all the words to make the littlest pages. However, this is not the right time to be stingy! Have you ever selected a book from the shelf, favoring it because of its ultra-tiny font? Not everyone has good eyes; readers prefer something they can actually read.

A reasonable price for a large excess
Be sure you can gauge the number of people who might be interested in purchasing your work. It is a self-publishing mistake to go into huge production and end up selling only a few. Print-on-demand option is a smart way to veer away from this; however, there’s no denying you need to be knowledgeable about the distribution process, readership, and retail price before approaching the press.

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Hopeless author biography and photo
If you’re proud of your book and your name, never take this portion for granted. This section of the book is one of the best modes to get yourself remembered. Don’t put too little nor too much, just enough with your best cred described. The author photo should be professional. Never go for a random snapshot that someone else took and said it looks great.


Figure 1|Image Source: wikimedia


A jam-packed first part that hurts the eyes
One of the many mistakes that self-published authors make is overstuffing. Surely, they have more freedom to place what they desire on the front cover and the first few pages, but they forget the beauty of minimalism. Of course, you can be grateful for the people in your life and place dedications. Of course, you can add a prologue and a biography and maybe even top-notch reviews, but the trick is not to overwhelm. Just enough for the readers to acknowledge and not skip on.

Think about when your audience gets your book’s free sample. There will be little to no space left for the actual contents of your story. If you want to add the extras, a good tip is to place these at the last portion of your book.

Bad editing
Let’s be honest here. No matter how great a story you’ve spun, even the slightest typo will shrink your credibility. Hire a professional developmental editor and perhaps, a copy editor and proofreader, too. They are professionals for a reason: organizing and polishing your book to tip-top shape. This is one of the most significant and critical aspects of your reader’s reading experience.

Make sure your self-published book is on the correct way to greatness. Avoid self-publishing mistakes and solidify your success.

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