How to Create a Unique Author Marketing Strategy with Creative Possibilities

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August 4, 2016

Imagine a large piece of corkboard pinned with eye-catching photos and words. Now, digitize the board and catalog them all in a shared platform worldwide. Pin and go—this is the newest and creative marketing strategy for your book. With over 100 million active users online, Pinterest has become the queen of artistic digital media sharing. Learn how to use this platform.


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Pinterest Mastery Techniques for Author Marketing

Writers cater mostly on words. However, there are exceptions when you want to entice readers and buyers who are too lazy to read. They are those who prefer photos with minimal captions. In Pinterest, authors can make a haven for bookworms where they can pin links, save them for later reading, or share them with their friends. It’s a way to market your book without flooding your visitors with words and cluttered catalogs.



Make sure that you install the “pin it” button (added in your extension) in your browser. This will allow you to save blogs, ideas, pages, and other interesting author sites. Never forget to pin the blog page and not the home page, so readers can follow the accurate link. Once you’re done, it’s time to do the “pinning.”

Be an active pinner

Browse and pin daily. Know the latest trends on book and writing, and pin them on your board. Make it a habit to pin your own content or other pinners’ content to collect varied pins. Keep your visitors updated on the book you are currently writing (published or in progress), including how the book cover design looks like, and details on how to purchase your book.


Here’s a simple self-published author’s guide to Pinterest as a marketing platform. Click here.


Make your board stand out

Pinterest can be a perfect tool for book marketing because of its simplified yet effective platform. Since most of its active users are female, you may consider putting a lot of artistic effort to enthrall readers to stay at your pin boards. Here’s your guide:

  • The vertical image is preferable—they can be long text-based image that catches the visitor’s attention. They can give the content more life if you put an image but fewer words in the caption.
  • Font and color. When you create an image, make the fonts bigger as much as possible. Then match the colors with the theme of your book. You can use a free photo editor, like Picmonkey or Pixlr.
  • Hold onto a unique font and design. In order to look professional and classy, maintain a style that is pleasing to the eyes.
  • Create a pin board that highlights your works. Here’s what you can put:
    • The story behind your book
    • Book awards, reviews, and cover
    • Pictures on your books signing and book fairs
    • Author promotion website and other social media links
    • Excerpt from your book with related image
    • Your book characters, plot, and setting

There are limitless possibilities you can create, just be creative!

pin source


Pin from relevant and interesting sources

Since you’re a writer, save links about issues and topic related on writing, or you can share your own insights. You’ll get an advantage if you have published a bestselling novel; visitors will rave on your feed for writing tips and inspirations. When you repin, write a creative and stimulating description to keep your visitors excited on your feed. You can also use the secret option to hide boards that are not related on writing.

Join with other pinners

Although Pinterest aren’t into social interaction, there are group boards available you can join.   You can also try to create your own group, and invite them to participate. Share your novel in your board and increase your readers worldwide through marketing in different group boards.


P.S Stand out and claim your spotlight in self-publishing! Here’s how to be a bestselling published author.

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