Fundamental Ways to Optimizing Author Pages on Amazon

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June 25, 2016

Let’s say you’ve written a great book on a certain genre. Congratulations! But that’s just the beginning. You still need to reach out to your readers. You’ve also probably started a website and an Amazon page already, but making it work to your advantage can be quite a challenge.


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How to Optimize Your Author Page in Amazon

How can you get your author’s profile page to reach its full potential? How can you get more clicks out of your Amazon page and what should you do to get more traffic and convert your audience into readers of your self-published book?




You don’t have to look far for solutions, because here are some simple ways you can optimize your Amazon author page to make it reach more people.

  1. Start With the Title

The one thing that attracts people more is a great book title. Take note that choosing the right title takes place before even writing the book for the most part, so picking an appropriate title that’s sure to catch readers’ attention is more than useful.

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  1. Have a Good Cover

Another thing that catches readers’ eyes is a good book cover. A well-designed cover can make a huge difference when it comes to book sales. Whenever a potential reader catches a glimpse of a cover, they will already know what to expect from it, regarding what the book is about. Choosing the right category for your design can help significantly.

  1. Pick Keywords Carefully

As you’re promoting your work online, the best keywords for your book can make an impact on book marketing, especially on search engines. Taking advantage of keywords can make your book more visible on search engines, which will get your more clicks, as users browse online, boosting sales for your book in turn by increasing your book rank.

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  1. Add Fresh Content

Search engine crawlers love fresh new content, so you may want to try posting new content frequently to promote your book. As an author, it’s something imperative to engage with your audience through content, an essential component to the development of your book profile, as well as your author bio.

  1. Link Other Websites

Another great way to drive more people into your author page is by creating links to your other websites, if you have any. With this method, you can direct traffic from other sites to your author page, which is a great way to give your book the boost it needs in gaining customers for your book.

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It’s always best for people to know more about your work, so that they’d actually get to read it. By using the right methods to optimize book sales on Amazon, you’ll eventually gain more readers in no time.

P.S Improve your writing by spotting grammar mistakes. You can learn how here!

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