Essential Book Signing Tips for Authors to Start Out

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April 20, 2016

So you’ve published a new book and are now in the process of organizing a book signing event. But everyone knows that it can be a difficult task, so how do you go about it? Here are some book signing tips to make your event easier.

Author Carol Craig Cowan-Lanyon of book Miz Bambo during a signing event at BEA 2015.

What Every Author Can Learn From These Book Signing Tips

Now that you’ve finished writing a book, all that you need to do is to make sure that it sells, as well as learn how to do book signings. Yet everyone knows that it’s harder than it seems. Not everyone is gifted with sufficient interpersonal skills and marketing expertise. What’s more is that we may find planning a book signing event intimidating.

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You probably have no clue what happens at a book signing event. But you can solve such problem by following these tips for a successful book signing! Here’s how you can make book signing easier.

  1. Reach out to your readers

    It’s not a good idea to just sit there and wait for people to come in and have their books signed. That’ll make you look pompous and it gets old quick. Talk to your readers and tell them how much you appreciate their presence. They’ll feel special and might just make you their favorite author! Also, be sure to sell your book to those who haven’t done so yet and are just looking around.

Get the best book reviews effortlessly. Here is how!

  1. Organize a book media kit

    You’re going to need several pens that write well on any surface and won’t get smudgy. Prepare a notepad so you can list down people’s names, helping you in writing them correctly on their books. Other materials, such as cards and attractive bookmarks may also be included in your book signing kit. Brace yourself for what a book signing is like.
Michael Roux book signing event—Image source: Wikipedia
  1. Practice your signature beforehand

    Our brains often jam halfway into signing loads of books that we shortly forget how to write our signatures. You can avoid this by writing down your signature multiple times. It may seem peculiar, but if you’ve experienced the strenuous task of doing the same thing over and over again, you’ll understand the method of how to autograph books.
  1. Document your signing activity

    A book signing event is just an early step in making your book known to the world. Documentation will be important in the future, as the resources you gather may be used in upcoming promotional events. Get someone to take photos of the event for you. You may also have a writer come up with a news release about your book signing.
  1. Take cues from other authors’ events

    You’ve most likely attended other book signing events, including those of famous authors. You’ve also probably observed how they went about things, especially when dealing with the influx of readers and fans who just want their books signed. Learn from their book promotion events and take down notes. You can get the best book signing event ideas from them!

Signing books can be daunting for new authors who’ve just had their books published. But always remember that the best thing you can do is have fun! That way, you can look forward to more promotional happenings in the future which will further spread the word about your book.

P.S. Learn essential tips for beginners on promoting a self-published book here!

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