Are You Using an Effective Book Font?

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June 9, 2016

Fonts serve a crucial purpose in any written work. Authors and publishers alike should consider the importance of book fonts. Although authors may have personal preferences when it comes to fonts used, it’s not merely a writer’s pick that determines how well the book fares. Here’s a short guide.


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Here’s a Concise Guide for Effective Book Fonts

Image source: Pixabay

While authors may take the importance of book fonts for granted, one needs to understand how the use of fonts and book typefaces can affect a writer’s work. Even publishers have a say when it comes to the best fonts they should use to garner more readership as the book reaches its target audience. It’s obvious that at this time and age, no one wants to read someone’s work with Comic Sans MS as the default font, as it’s an abysmal attempt at adding whim to the book.

While we’ve stated why typography is something vital to consider, we then need to ask: what are the best fonts authors and publishers should use in their books? Below is a brief look into the different fonts and font styles used in book publishing.


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Font Styles

There are two prominent font styles used in writing, namely serif and sans serif. The difference between the two is, in fact, visible, based on the look alone.

Serif fonts have strokes that consist of decorative finishes. Examples of serif fonts are Times New Roman, Garamond, Minion, and Georgia. Serif fonts tend to have that classic look and feel. It’s a common, yet stylish font style that works well as the basis of a good font for titles.


Image source: Wikipedia


Sans serif fonts do not include the decorative style of serif fonts, and instead, opt for a more straightforward approach. Fonts like Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, and Verdana are examples of the sans serif style. A font like Arial is common in writing academic text.

Publishers tend to favor the use of serif fonts in book publishing, as it’s easier to read and pleasing to the eyes. In fact, editors prefer writers use Times New Roman or the Minion font in their manuscript as it’s more convenient for them to do their work. The Minion font is considered by many as the best font for writing a novel.

However, this does not mean sans serif fonts don’t have a place in book publishing. Modern works and translations, as well as republished works, do use sans serif fonts. The right font can appear sleek to readers. It’s common for publishers to use Verdana, since it’s perhaps one of the sleekest sans serif fonts available. A font such as Helvetica can also be a book title font.

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Fonts for e-books

Although you may set a default serif or sans serif font, readers have the option to change them using an e-reader if your book is in digital e-book format. Being able to change fonts is a convenient option that makes it easier for readers to act on their preference. Formats like .epub or .mobi grant readers the option to switch between different book fonts and sizing, as well as typefaces and point size.

What Font Should You Use?

It really depends on the tone, the genre, or the setting of your work! While there may be a standard to doing things, it’s also great to experiment without ever going overboard. Free fonts may be available on the internet, but it’s also good to go for what’s readily available.


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