Achieving Booming Book Ubiquity: How to Become an Author-Entrepreneur

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April 11, 2016

Building a book’s reputation is a lot like starting up a business. Successful entrepreneurs invest much time and effort to attain their business goals. In the same way, writers also spend days, months, and years to build their credibility as an author.

LitFire witnessed how Dominic Wolff rose to become an author-entrepreneur.


Here are Five Effective Steps on How to Become an Author-Entrepreneur

With the advent of advanced technology, book-marketing passive writers are a thing of the past. More and more, contemporary authors have adapted a more business-oriented mindset. This mindset allows new-age authors to take control of the whole publishing process of their book.

To help you take the reign on your own publishing career, here are five effective ways to adapt the entrepreneur’s mindset:


  1. Start with the end in mind.Before entering the saturated book market, set a definite goal for your work. Writing down your short-term and long-term goals will make them more tangible. Make sure that your goal follows the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. In the line of starting up a business, an entrepreneur who sets clear goal has proven to yield more significant accomplishments than those who do not.


  1. Build a business plan.Just like entrepreneurs, authors should create a plan to market and sell their products, their books. Start-up entrepreneurs don’t just blindly develop a product, and then abruptly release them into the market. Strategies, master plans or blue prints have already been formulated to ensure the success of their merchandise. When you have your goal for your book, take a page from the business sector. By creating a business plan, you build a discernible path towards the end you aspire.


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  1. Commit yourself to achieving your goal.As defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary, an entrepreneur is “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or an enterprise.” Similarly, you, as the author, have the biggest responsibility to manage the promotion and sales of your book. Gone are the times when authors were only passively involved in their book’s marketing. Contemporary authors are considerably more invested in reaching out to their target audience and getting their works out to the global market.


  1. Maximize the use of available resourcesDue to the leaps and bounds of modern technology, there are even more avenues and resources available for authors. The development of the Internet has opened up major opportunities for education, employment, and entrepreneurship.  Through social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can boost your book’s exposure with just a click of a button. Most importantly, these virtual boulevards are free and entirely accessible to anybody. However, don’t neglect to look into other ways to market your book. Your community is also a treasure trove of book PR opportunities. For example, many children’s book authors approach local schools to conduct book reading activities. Not only is this great publicity, it also gives materials to use for further promotional activities.


  1. Network with peopleGaining a readership for your book means that you have to reach out to people. This has been made easier by today’s technology. As mentioned above, the Internet offers a cornucopia of ways to get in touch with people. Aside from social media sites, there are several free blogging platforms, such as WordPress, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and many more. Through blogging, you can simultaneously get the word out about your book and let your potential readers get to know you. Of course, you should not disregard the opportunities to connect with people in your community. Again, your community is the most readily available boulevard to build your book network.


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Publishing and marketing a book is a process that requires patience, industry, and tenacity. The success of your book depends much on how you deal with the pressures in publishing. Good luck on becoming a successful author-entrepreneur!

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