Use These Niche Ideas to Help You Find the Right Market

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August 8, 2016

Finding a niche as a writer is just as hard as working on your first draft. It is frustrating, it takes a lot of time, and it could burn you up. However, the more you work at it, the more you get better at it. You will encounter several challenges along the way, but if you are working on something you really love, you will continue to grow. You will become an irreplaceable asset to your clients or employers. Yet the question here is how do you find your niche?

  1. Take on any project

    Instead of constantly pondering about what subject you should pick to be your forte, do something about it. Take on any task that you could get your hands onto, and see what topics you enjoy writing the most—and yes, it could be more than one. Popular niches include technology, retail, entertainment, education, and arts; there are actually plenty of specialty areas that you could choose from! And you will soon realize that the more you read about a certain topic, the more you get interested about it. Plus, writing in various fields will not only help you find your writing niches, it will also further improve your overall writing skills.

  1. Use a keyword tool

    You may love your niche to bits but authors build niche sites because they want to make money from it. To make sure that you can exploit money from your chosen forte, determine its global monthly search volume. You can do this for free using Google’s External Keyword Tool. It helps you find out about global and local search volumes of related keywords, as well as the overall competitiveness of those keywords.

  1. Take advantage of the power of Amazon

    As the largest online retailer, Amazon is a go-to search engine for people who want to find their niche market. Head to, and type the niche that you would like to use. For example, if you are interested in large education industry, type “higher education” in the search box, and press enter. If you filter the searches, you will get an even more target-specific niche markets.

Find their niche market

  1. Consider your current hobby

    Do you love yoga, running, outdoor adventures? Are you passionate about staying healthy and keeping a fitness regimen? Maybe your physical fitness expertise will help people stay fit without necessarily going to the gym.  A lot of entrepreneurs and bloggers have become successful by simply working on their present past time and creating informative contents based on what they already know. This means that running your niche website is not work at all. It is a hobby and a profitable passion rolled in one.

  1. Keep yourself informed

    As an aspiring blogger and entrepreneur, you need to keep yourself updated with the recent trends in the marketing industry. Keep yourself informed by reading blogs about niche ideas. Keep your ears open. Initiate a conversation with people from the pub, restaurant, or in the grocery store. Ask your family, friends, and colleagues about dilemmas that they frequently encounter. As of today’s date, thousands of inventions were created by taking note of simple nagging problems, and giving smart solutions to them, for example, ironing board that doubles as a mirror, toothpaste tube squeezer, baby shower cap, and mirror wiper.

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