Essential Self-Publishing Tools that Keep Your Book Rolling in the Market

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September 19, 2017

Self-publishing a book? You need THIS guide. CLICK HERE

Getting a book published can be frustrating, and so is marketing it to different media. Not everyone who publishes their book can instantly strike a goldmine. Some may be favored with luck, others with their connections, but most of the time, it’s all about guts. One thing is for sure: your success entirely depends on you.

Getting a book published can be frustrating, and so is marketing it to different media. Not everyone who publishes their book can instantly strike a goldmine. Some may be favored with luck, others with their connections, but most of the time, it’s all about guts. One thing is for sure: your success entirely depends on you.

Free Guide to Success. How to Print and Sell Your Own Book. DOWNLOAD HERE

How do you determine the success (or failure) of your book? These solid self-publishing tips for authors will help you create an intuitive platform.

5 Solid Self-Publishing Tools

You’ve written a story.

You think people will love it. So you go ahead and self-publish.

Sounds simple? Yes. In reality? Difficult and frustrating.


Here are the tools you need:

Author Blog

Author Blog

Your website is your brand’s face—the design, font, and content scream your identity. To get value from people, give value first. Turn some parts of your book into an e-book and offer them  free copies to your followers once they subscribe.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Build high-quality content in your social media pages. Write helpful blog tips and real-life experiences about writing and publishing and respond to your readers actively and interact meaningfully.

Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Nothing propels word-of-mouth advertising better than getting a professional reviewer that puts a big thumbs-up on your work. The power of reviews helps spike up your book sales that even negative reviews can pique curiosity to readers.

Self-publishing a book? You need THIS guide. CLICK HERE

Media Exposure

Media Exposure

If you want to get media flame, draw an intriguing attention. Write blog post and do print reviews. The secret to a viral content is to induce emotions. In self-publishing, online or offline publicity is also essential.

Book Trades

Book Trades

Strengthen your online presence, but also attract prospect readers in offline events such as book festivals and trade shows where big and small fishes are all in one pond.


To learn more practical tips and ideas, you can join online or offline book communities. Invite your friends, follow fellow authors, and promote each other’s books. The next thing you’ll know, yours is already the best pick among the multitudes of titles.

PS: Write and market your book. Check out this guide.

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